How Integrations Increase Acquisition and Retention

Henri Chabrand

Henri Chabrand / 25 January 2023

Turning your SaaS product into a "Platform" or "App Ecosystem" thanks to third-party integrations can bring many benefits to your business: new acquisition channels, improved SEO, increased customer retention, and enhanced value perception of your product.


New Acquisition Channels

Once integrated with a third-party tool, you can start leveraging the partner's brand positioning to reach new customer segments.

List your app on partner’s integration marketplace

This will allow you to reach their user base and prospective customers at no cost. Carefully work on the description and visual assets of your application, as it will improve the partner's in-app and search engine performance.

HubSpot’s App Marketplace

Leverage the partner's brand and initiate co-marketing efforts

Integrating with brands that already have a strong position in the market you want to target can help you reach your ideal customer. You can start promoting the integration, mentioning the partner's name to capitalize on their already established reputation.

Bear in mind that you should always ask the brand before using their name for your own benefit. Doing so is more likely to result in a positive response, and it demonstrates your willingness to create a mutually beneficial partnership.

Content creation and search engine optimization (SEO)

With a public integration listing or integration marketplace on your website, plus some well-targeted blog posts explaining the use case and benefits of using your integration with this partner, you can reroute some of the partner's audience to your own product.

Consider how your partner's customers might discover you online

Don’t want to miss a marketing opportunity when launching an integration? Get the integration release checklist Notion Template.


Retention and Expansion

Integrations create stickiness

The more third-party tools your customers install with your product, the more complicated it will be for them to replace it.

Source Aircall’s Public Series C Pitch Deck

Cross-sell opportunity on multi-vertical product

If your SaaS product addresses the pains of multiple teams within an organization, such as Sales, Support, and Marketing, you can use your multi-vertical integrations as a starting point for cross-selling.

For example, you close a Sales Team deal thanks to your HubSpot integration. Later, your Account Executive promotes the fact that you are also integrated with Zendesk and tries onboarding the Support Team for additional seats.


Increase’s product value

Lastly, integrations can enhance your product's capabilities without sacrificing its core value proposition.

Integrations enable you to prioritize your product strategy on a distinct value proposition, while providing additional functionality that wouldn't make sense to incorporate directly into your product – you could bridge the gap with features customers want without compromising your product.

Integrating your SaaS product with third-party tools can bring many benefits, such as new acquisition channels, improved SEO, increased customer retention, and enhanced value perception. By leveraging your partner's brand, initiating co-marketing, and creating SEO-optimized content, you'll make the most of the integration benefits.

Get in touch if you need help to :

  • Identify the integrations you should build to meet your business goals
  • Structure your Product, Tech, Support, and Marketing Teams around an effective release process
  • Reduce the effort of building, launching, and maintaining multiple integrations

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